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Resolution 24 Cancel City Election May 6th, 2023


Resolution #24: Cancel May 6th City Election.

Whereas, the City of Ellinger scheduled a City Election for the 6th of May, 2023,

Whereas, the City of Ellinger made available to all Citizens of Ellinger the opportunity to apply to run for the position of Mayor and 1 Commissioner for the City of Ellinger,

Whereas, as prescribed by the State of Texas, The City of Ellinger waited the appropriate time to make sure no write in candidates had applied for the position of Mayor and 1 Commissioner,

So be it resolved that since no Citizen of Ellinger has applied for the position of Mayor or 1 Commissioner and the only Citizens applying for the position of Mayor and 1 Commissioner positions are the individuals who now hold that position, The City of Ellinger will cancel the May 6th Election for lack of challengers for the position of Mayor and 1 Commissioner. A posting of cancelation is posted at the City Hall and on the City web site.


Nays_____ Approved______ Not Approved_____

Mayor Matt Mikulenka date

Commissioner Kenneth Stojanik date

Commissioner Joseph Lamer date

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