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Minutes for meeting October 27,2022


City of Ellinger Minutes from the meeting of the City of Ellinger held on October 27,2022.

Attendance: Mayor Matt Mikulenka

Commissioner Kenneth Stojanik

Commissioner Joseph Lamer.

1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Mikulenka at 6:00pm at the City of Ellinger City Hall.

2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag.

3. Invocation was presented by Mayor Mikulenka.

4. No Public Comment.

5. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Kenneth Stojanik to accept minutes, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka, motion carried.

6. Treasures report was given by Kenneth Stojanik Motion by Joseph Lamer to accept report and pay all outstanding bills, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka, motion carried.

7. New Business:

a. On review of RFQ for CDBG MIT-MOD: Motion by Joseph Lamer to table awarding engineer services till next meeting, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

b. On review of city lot size minimum for both construction, modular and mobile homes: Motion by Joseph Lamer to table consideration of lot size till more information is available, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

c. On membership renewal for Texas Municipal League: Motion by Matt Mikulenka to not renew membership, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

d. On review of Public Hearing concerning CDBG TDA grant: Discussion was held reviewing input of Citizens that attended the meeting. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to use CDBG TDA grant money to install new pipe and fire hydrants for the City, 2nd by Joseph Lamer, motion carried.

e. On the sub-division requirements for the city: Motion by Matt Mikulenka to table till more information is acquired on lot and sub-division setup, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

8. Set next meeting date and location for next meeting: Motion by Joseph Lamer to hold meeting at City Hall on November 17th at 6:00pm, second by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

9. Motion by Joseph Lamer to adjourn, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

Minutes for the October 27th, 2022 City Council meeting.

Joseph Lamer

Secretary City of Ellinger Attest.______________

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