City Of Ellinger
Minutes from the meeting for the City of Ellinger held at the City of Ellinger City Hall, 101 W. Shumacher St., Ellinger, Texas on 25th of August, 2022.
Attendance: Mayor Matt Mikulenka, Commissioner Kenneth Stojanik, Commissioner Joseph Lamer.
Visitors: Michael Sledge
1. Meeting was called to order by Major Mikulenka at 6:00pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the United States and Texas flag.
3. Invocation was presented by Mayor Mikulenka.
4. Public comment: No comment.
5. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to accept minutes, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
6. Treasures report was given. Presently we have $35,948.56 in the General Account. New General Reserve Fund has not been established. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to accept report, 2nd by Joseph Lamer, motion carried.
7. Mayor gave a report on the City. New 911 address at 311 Jarmon. Liquor license has been applied for. Grants are in process.
8. Old Business:
a. Letter will be drafted to send to home owner at 224 East Train Street to address the trash problem that has been brought to the attention of the City.
9. New Business:
a. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to approve Resolution 16 which accepts GrantWorks as our administrative services for the Texas Community Development Block Grant for 2023-2024, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
b. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to approve Resolution 17 which accepts Weishuhn Engineering Inc. as our choice for engineering services for the Texas Community Development Block Grant 2023-2024, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
c. Motion made by Matt Mikulenka to approve the audit as presented by Trlicek and Company, PC for the year ending May 31, 2022, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
10. Motion by Joseph Lamer to set next meeting date for the 22nd day of September, 2022
and it will be held at the Ellinger City Hall, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
11. Motion made by Joseph Lamer to adjourn, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.
Minutes for the 25th of August, 2022 meeting
Joseph Lamer Secretary City of Ellinger Attest________________________