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Minutes 12-22-2022 meeting

City of Ellinger Minutes from the meeting of the City of Ellinger held on December 22nd, 2022.

Attendance: Mayor Matt Mikulenka

Commissioner Kenneth Stojanik

Commissioner Joseph Lamer

Also 1 person from Grantworks and 2 Citizens.

1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Mikulenka at 6:00pm at the City of Ellinger City Hall.

2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag.

3. Invocation was presented by Mayor Mikulenka.

4. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Kenneth Stojanik to accept minutes, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka, motion carried.

5. No Public comment. Motion by Kenneth Stojanik to close public comment, 2nd by Joseph Lamer, Motion carried.

6. Treasures report was given. Motion by Joseph Lamer to accept report and to pay all bills, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka, motion carried.

7. Old Business:

a. Discussion on residential lot size needed to build a home or install a mobile home on. Size for building would need to be 75 feet X 125 feet. Item will need to be reviewed by legal.

b. Review Hazardous Mitigation Plan for Ellinger. Meeting to be held for Fayette County on January 4, 2023 at the EMS building at 2pm.

8. NEW Business:

a. Motion made by Joseph Lamer to close City office on December the 23rd and 30th for Holidays, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

b. Discussion was held on 2023 City election. Motion to review material and have approval at January 2023 meeting.

c. Discussion was held concerning cell tower installation within the City limits of Ellinger. It was agreed that we need a resolution concerning cell towers within the City limits. Table till next meeting in 2023.

d. Resolution 19 was presented and read. It authorizes Ellinger representatives in matters pertaining to the Cities participation in the Texas Development Block Grant Program. Motion to accept resolution by Joseph Lamer, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka, motion carried.

e. Resolution 20 was presented and read. It authorizes the submission of a Texas Community Block Grant program application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the community development fund. Motion by Joseph Lamer to accept resolution, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

f. Discussion was held on the Right of Way at Jarmon Street. Mayor Matt Mikulenka researched the history on easement rewards that some individuals may claim. No paperwork was found at the county level that indicated any individual received an easement award. More research will be needed to make sure all easements in the City of Ellinger are retained by the City.

g. Mayor Matt Mikulenka informed the Commissioners that an original Charter for the City of Ellinger has not been found. More research will be needed.

h. Discussion was held in reference to problem on Tobias Street on the east side. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to order two (2) loads of material to patch hold, 2nd by Joseph Lamer, motion carried.

i. City calendar and meeting dates were presented. Motion by Joseph Lamer, 2nd by Matt Mikulenka to accept calendar, motion carried.

j. Joseph Lamer informed the City Commission that Bluebonnet Electric was undercharging us. We will now be charged under the commercial rate.

9. Set next meeting date and location for next meeting: Motion by Joseph Lamer to hold meeting at City Hall on January 26th, 2023 at 6:00pm, second by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

9. Motion by Joseph Lamer to adjourn, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik, motion carried.

Minutes for the December 22nd, 2022 City Council meeting

Joseph Lamer

Secretary City of Ellinger Attest.______________

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