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Meeting Minutes - 12/19/24


City of Ellinger Minutes from the meeting of the City of Ellinger held on December 19, 2024.

            Attendance:                Commissioner Cullen Weishuhn

Commissioner Kenny Stojanik

            0 visitors in attendance.


1.      Meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Mikulenka at 6:00 pm at the City of Ellinger City Hall.

2.      Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag.

3.      Invocation was presented by Mayor Matt Mikulenka.

4.      Public Comment.

No Public Comment

5.      Old Business:

a.       Discussion was held to finalize the design for the City of Ellinger’s welcome sign. Motion was made by Cullen Weishuhn to reach out to Dustin Maschinsky on a quote for a 6’X15’ (17”-27” thick) sign including stone and metal work. Motion was 2nd by Mayor Matt Mikulenka.

b.      Further discussion was held on whether or not to proceed with getting a survey for the town in preparation of the upcoming GLO project. Motion was made by Matt Mikulenka to reach out to BEFCO Engineering for an estimate.  Motion was 2nd by Cullen Weishuhn.

c.       Update was given by Mayor Matt Mikulenka on the TDA Fire Line Project. The line was staked out this past week and construction kick-off January 6th.

d.      Update was given by Mayor Matt Mikulenka on the GLO funding.  It was said we are still waiting on notification from the GLO on the status of the project.


6.      NEW Business:

a.        Motion was made by Cullen Weishuhn to authorize Mayor Matt Mikulenka to sign the documents for the upcoming land transaction between the City and a private landowner. Motion was 2nd by Kenny Stojanik.

b.      Motion was made by Mayor Mikulenka to call for an election or officers for his seat and Commissioner Weishuhn’s seat who are both up for election. Motion was 2nd by Kenny Stojanik.

c.        Authorization for the proposed fire line route.  No action taken as the fire line had been authorized at a previous meeting.

d.      Motion was made by Cullen Weishuhn to contact Colorado County Communication on upgrading the desk phone at City Hall. Motion was 2nd by Mayor Matt Mikulenka.

e.       Motion was made by Cullen Weishuhn to contact Bovey Cochran (city attorney) on drafting a letter to landowners for cleanup of lots. Motion was 2nd by Kenny Stojanik.

f.       Mayor Matt Mikulenka made a motion for an addendum to the agenda to hold a discussion as to whether or not the City should hire someone for a part time clerical position. It was decided that the City should reach out the City’s attorney and accountant for guidance on the matter.

g.      Motion by Matt Mikulenka to adjourn, 2nd by Kenny Stojanik, motion carried.


Minutes for the December 19, 2024 City Council meeting

Cullen Weishuhn

Secretary City of Ellinger      Attest.______________

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