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Meeting Minutes - March 28, 2024

     City of Ellinger Minutes from the meeting of the City of Ellinger held on March 28, 2024.

            Attendance:                Mayor Matt Mikulenka

                                                Commissioner Kenneth Stojanik

                                                Commissioner Cullen Weishuhn


            1 Citizen was in attendance


1.      Meeting was called to order by Mayor Mikulenka at 6:00pm at the City of Ellinger City Hall.

2.      Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag.

3.      Invocation was presented by Mayor Mikulenka.

4.      No public comment. Motion by Kenny Stojanik to close public comment, 2nd by Cullen Weishuhn, motion carried.

5.      Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Matt Mikulenka to accept the minutes as read, 2nd by Kenny Stojanik, motion carried.

6.      Treasurer’s report was given. Motion by Matt Mikulenka to accept report and to pay all bills, 2nd by Cullen Weishuhn, motion carried.

7.      Old Business:

a.       Discussion was continued on the draft trash ordinance for the city. Motion was made by Mayor Matt Mikulenka to send the draft ordinance to Bovey & Cochran PLLC to review, motion 2nd by Cullen Weishuhn

b.      Discussion was held on removing the propane tank from West Point’s water treatment plant.

c.       It was noted that the oil lease for Block 3 had been executed with Magnolia Oil and Gas.

8.      NEW Business:

a.       It was announced by Mayor Matt Mikulenka that the City approved a new engineering contract with Weishuhn Engineering Inc. for the TDA waterline.

b.      It was announced by Mayor Matt Mikulenka that the GLO funding application had been withdrawn and was recently resubmitted.

c.       Discussion was held on street paving needs. It was decided that the city take a closer look at the streets in town and decide what action will need be taken at the next meeting.

d.      Discussion was held on the potential need for a bigger City Hall building and storage space. It was agreed that the city will need to look into any potential grants and to continue this discussion next meeting.

e.       Discussion was had on the need for boundary surveying services prior to the installation of the TDA waterline.  Motion was made by Mayor Matt Mikulenka to reach out to several surveying companies in area for bids, 2nd by Kenneth Stojanik.

f.       Motion was made by Mayor Matt Mikulenka to cancel the 2024 election for Commissioner Stojanik’s position, 2nd by Cullen Weishuhn, motion carried.

g.      Set next meeting date and location: April 25, 2024 at the Ellinger City Hall building on 101 W. Shumacher St., Ellinger, Texas.

h.      Motion by Matt Mikulenka to adjourn, 2nd by Kenny Stojanik, motion carried.


Minutes for the March 28, 2024 City Council meeting

Cullen Weishuhn

Secretary City of Ellinger      Attest.______________


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